

Welcome Unit 1

Welcome Unit

Part one Vocabulary

1. exchangexchange student 交换生

exchange A for B 以A交换B:把A兑换成B

exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物

exchange opinions/ideas/views交流意见/想法/看法

2. design

1) n. 设计;图案;构思;打算,意图。

make designs for ......做设计

by design(=on purpose)故意地

2) vt.设计,构思;计划;意欲。

design sth. for... 为...设计

be designed to do... 在做...用于做...

3. anxious adj. 焦虑的不安的

be anxious for sb./ about sth. 某人/某事担心

be anxious for...渴望...

be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望某人某事

be anxious that... 渴望...

4. annoyed adj. 恼怒的生气的

be annoyed with sb.生某人的气

be annoyed at/about sth.因某事生气

be annoyed to do做...感到生气

5. senior adj. 级别(或地位)高的 n. 较年长的人

senior high (school)高中

be senior to sb. 比某人的地位/职位

6. impress vt. 使钦佩……留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象引人注目

have a(n) ...impression of... ······有······印象

leave/make a(n) ...impression on sb. 给某人留下······印象

(be) under the impression that... 以为······(通常指)误认为······

7. concentrate on 集中精力于

8. leave...alone 不打扰不惊动

9. explore vt.& vi. 探索勘探

exploration n. 探索,探测 explorer n. 探险者;勘探者;考察者

10. confident adj. 自信的有把握的

be confident about ......信心

be confident of (doing) sth.对(做······把握

be confident that... 确信······

11. look forward to 盼望期待

12. organise vt. 组织;筹备;安排;组建 vi. 组建成立

organisation n. 组织团体机构

Part two Grammar



构成句子的各个部分叫作句子成分。句子成分有主要成分与次要成分之分。主要成分是主语(The Subject)和谓语(The Predicate),次要成分有表语宾语(The Object)、(The Predicative)、定语(The Attribute)、状语(The Adverbial)、补足语(The Complement)和同位语(The Appositive)。



The students are playing basketball now.

Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.



You may keep the pen for two weeks at most.

He didn't listen to the teacher’s advice.



I'm an astronaut. She looks pale.

My job is teaching English. (四)宾语


He wrote a poem.

She enjoys living in China.


有些及物动词除有一个宾语外,还要有一个宾语补足语。才能使句子的意义完整。一般结构为:及物动词(如 make、see、find等)+宾语+宾语补足语。

注意:“make/see/find…sb. do sth. ”结构变为被动形式时,不定式符号to要还原。

New technologies make life much more easy and convenient.

He was seen to rush into the classroom. (六)定语


The red bike is mine. They made paper flowers.

The boy in the classroom is John.



He knows a lot. She is lying in the bed thinking.

When I was young, I often listened to the radio.



We have two children, a boy and a girl.

The news that he had passed the exam delighted his mother. 二、五种基本句型


此类句子都有一个共同特点:句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思,都是不及物动词, 后面可以跟副词、介词短语以及表示时间、地点、方式等的状语从句等。

The car won't start. They laughed.



The flowers smell sweet. Tom looks thin.



They ate what was left over. She hates spiders.


有些动词可以有两个宾语。通常情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后;有时也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词 for 或to.

She cooked her husband a delicious meal. =She cooked a delicious meal for her husband.

Give me the pen, please. =Give the pen to me, please.



They made her happy.

She kept us waiting for her answer for over a week.



The children stayed in room. John has gone to buy books.



They know us very well. They put the dish here.

(八)there be. . .

there be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构,其中be 动词之前有时可加上 seem to、appear to等。

注意:(1)在there be句型中,be的单复数与离它最近的名词的单复数保持一致。(就近原则)

(2)there be 表示存在;有。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词 there那里混淆。此结构后跟名词,表示(某处)有某事物

There is a cup on the desk.

There are some apples in the bowl.

Part three Sentence

1. What if no one talks to me?要是没人跟我说话怎么办?

What if...? 要是……会怎么样呢?


"What…if…?" 以下几种用法:




2. 双重否定

You'll never see me without a book or a pen. 你永远不会看到我不拿书或笔。

"never … without..."双重否定结构,表示肯定含义,意思是没有……就不……”。常见的双重否定结构还有:no/not/hardly...without…没有……不;除……


3. I wish I didn't have to do this! 我希望我不必这样做!

wish+ (that) . . . (虚拟宾语从句)


(1)与现在事实不符,用一般过去时(be用were) ;


(3)与将来事实不符,用“would/should/could/might + do”。

Unit 1


1.volunteer n. 志愿者

(1)做志愿者:work as a volunteer

(2)做志愿工作:do volunteer work


Being a volunteer is anything but an easy job.

volunteer v.自愿做; 义务做

(1)自愿做某事volunteer to do sth

(2)自愿为某事效劳volunteer for sth


2.debate vi/vt辩论;争论

(1)关于......进行辩论 debate on/over

(2)和......辩论 debate with sb

debate n.辩论;争论

(1)在争论中under debate


There has been much debate on the safety of school buses.


(1)更喜欢某事 prefer sth.

(2)更喜欢做某事 prefer to do/doing sth

(4)喜欢A多于B   prefer A to B


prefer doing A to doing B

prefer to do A rather than B


Many boys prefer playing football to hiking

Many boys prefer to play football rather than hike.

4.content n.内容;目录;主题;满足

(1)在内容和形式上 in content and form

(2)尽情地;心满意足地 to ones heart content

content adj. 满足的;满意的;

(1)满足的表情 a content expression

(2)对......感到满足、满意 be content with/

(3)愿意做某事 be content to do sth

content vt. 使满意

使某人、自己对......满意 content sb with sth

5.suitable adj. 合适的;适用的

(1)对......适合的 be suitable for sth/doing sth

(2)适合做某事 be suitable to do sth


These shoes are not suitable for walking in the country..


I don’t think I should be suitable for the post.

6.challenge 挑战;艰巨任务

(1)做某事的挑战 the change of doing sth

(2)面对挑战 face a challenge

(3)迎接挑战 meet a challenge

(4)接受挑战 accept/take up a challenge


As far as I’m concerned, I’m determined to take up/accept the challenge.

challenge v.t 向(某人)挑战

向某人挑战某事 challenge sb to do sth

——challenging adj. 挑战性的,考验能力


(1)觉得......令人困惑find sth confusing

(2)对......来说令人困惑的 be confusing for sb


(1)使某人困惑confuse sb

(2)把和弄混confuse A with B


be confused about... 对......感到困惑


in confusion 困囧地

8.graduate vi/vt 毕业;获得学位, n 毕业生


We congratulated him on having graduated from   Harvard University.


--graduation n.毕业


It was my first job after graduation.

9.recommend vt. 建议;推荐;介绍

( 1)向某人推荐、介绍某物 recommend sth to sb

( 2)推荐某人做(某职位)recommend sb for

(3)推荐某人作为...... recommend sb as

(4)建议做某事 recommend doing sth


He recommended that we should read the novel.

10.quit v. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)

(1)休学、退学 quit school

(2)辞掉工作 quit one’s job

(3)离职 quit office

(4)戒烟 quit smoking


The group leader often quits studying to take a walk at about seven pm.

11.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的

(1)对......、负责 be responsible for


He still felt responsible for the patient’ s death.

--- responsibility n. 责任;义务


take the responsibility of/for doing sth


have a/the responsibility to do sth

12.schedule. n. 工作计划;日程安排; v. 安排;预定

(1)按预定时间 on schedule

(2)提前 ahead of schedule

(3)落后于预定时间 behind the schedule


Have you made the examination schedule.

13.expert n.专家;行家   

(1)在......方面是行家 an expert on/at /in


Simon is not only our headmaster, but also an expert in education.

expert adj 熟练的;内行的;专家的


be expert at /in doing sth.


Linda is expert in/at finding useful information about study.

14.attract vt.   吸引;引起......的注意

(1)吸引很大的兴趣 attract a lot of interest

(2)吸引某人的注意 attract one’s attention

(3)喜爱 be attracted to...

(4)被......吸引be attracted by...

----attraction n. 有吸引力的事物

----attractive adj. 吸引人的


be attractive to children


1.clean up. 打扫(或清除)干净

(1)除去、扫除 clean off


I plan to clean up my old books   after I graduate this summer.


( 1)整理、收拾: tidy up

( 2)整理,放晴 clear up

2.sign up(for sth )报名(参加课程)

(1)签名 sign one’s name

(2)签到,签退 sign in/out

(3)示意某人做某事sign to sb to do sth


To sign up for membership, please fill in the form.

---sign n.迹象

......的迹象 a sign of...

3.focus on... 集中;特别关注

(1)把心思集中在 focus one’s mind on...

(2)聚精会神于focus one’s attention on...


Today, we are going to focus on the new relationship between teachers and students.


(1)注意 留意 pay attention to...

(2)集中于;专心于concentrate on...

4. be addicted to... 对......入迷

( 1)习惯于 be used to...

(2)注意 pay attention to...

(3)期盼 look forward to...

(4)致力于 devote oneself to...



1.so that 引导状语从句


I’ll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.


Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries.

2.make it+adj+不定式


But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things.


Computer technology makes it possible for many people to work at home.

3.这/那是因为   This/that/it is because

(1)I guess its because they are adults and can’t understand me.


(2)He practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day. This is why he makes great progress in English.

= The reason why he makes great progress in English is that he practise speaking English every day, at least three hours a day.


4.too ...to...太......而不能......

(1)There is a girl I like in my class, but I’m too shy to talk to her.


(2)You are too young to understand such things.


Unit 2


必修一Unit 2 Travelling Around

1.apply vi申请;请求;vt 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂)

<1>申请 apply for

<2>向某人申请某物 apply to sb for sth

<3>把某物应用到某物中 apply sth to sth

<4>致力于 apply oneself to

——application. n. 应用;用途;申请

<1>求职信 a job application

<2>申请信 a letter of application

---applicant. 申请者

2.pack收拾(行礼) 包装;打包行李   n   纸包;包裹

<1>一包,一帮,一群 a pack of

<2>将装箱打包 pack sth up

<3>The walk is expected to last all day, so bring a ( pack ) packd lunch.

3.amazing adj 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的


It is amazing that the ancient people could have built such great architecture.

---amaze v.t. 使吃惊;惊讶的;

---amazed adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的

<1>对......大为吃惊的be amazed at/by/that

<2>因做某事而感到吃惊,惊讶 be amazed to do sth

---amazement n 惊异;惊愕

<1>令某人惊奇的是 to one’s amazement

<2>惊讶地 in amazement

4.arrange vt/vi安排,筹划

<1>安排做某事 arrange to do sth

<2>为某人安排某事 arrange sth for sb

The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged.

---arrangement n.安排,筹备

<1>为......做安排、准备 make arrangements for

<2>谈妥,达成协议 arrive at an arrangement

5.recognize vt 辨别出,承认;认可;认识;认知

<1>通过......认出...... recognize....by/from

<2>把......看作...... recognize ..as


Everyone recognized him as/to be the best player in the match


认不出来   beyond/out of recognition.

6.type n类型;种类

<1>这种 那种类型的 of this/that type

<2>一种 a type of

<3>各种类型的 all types of

<4>是某人喜欢的类型 be one’s type

type vi/vt 打字

把......键入......(计算机)type ...into ...

7.admire vt钦佩;赞赏;赞美;羡慕

<1>欣赏某人做某事 admire sb for sth

I admire him for his success in his business.

----admiration n. 钦佩;受人钦佩的人、物

We expressed admiration for Shaw as a young coach.

---admirable adj. 令人羡慕的

8.contact vt.联络;联系


contact sb by email/telephone

contact n. 联系;接触

<1>与某人取得联系   make contact with

<2>与某人保持联系 keep in contact with sb

<3>使某人接触某物 bring sb into contact with sb

<4>使某人失去联系 lose contact with sb

9. credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷

<1>为某人带来荣誉;某人值得赞扬;在某人名下 to one’s credit

<2>获得学分 receive a credit

<3>因为......而获得赞扬或表扬 receive a credit for

<4>信用卡 a credit card

10. detail细节,详情

<1>详细地   in detail

<2>详细叙述,逐一说明 go into detail

----detailed adj. 详细的

11. request n. 请求;要求

<1>要求得到...... make a request for

<2>按照要求 by request

<3>应某人的要求 at sb’s request

request vt. 请求;要求

<1>要求某人做某事 request sb to do sth

<2>向某人索要某事 request sth from sb


My teacher requested me to use/that I should use English frequently.

12. view n.风景;视野;观点;见解

<1>在视线范围内 in view

<2>不在视野 中 out of view

<3>进入视野 come into view

<4>对......一览无余 have a good view of...

<5>乍一看;初见 at first view

<6>鉴于,考虑到,由于   in view of

view vt 观看;注视;考虑

把......看作......view ...as...

13.sight. n 景象;看见;视力;视野

<1>进入视野,出现在眼前,看见 come into sight

<2>看不见,消失 lose sight of/out of sight

<3>失明 lose one’s sight

<4>在视野内,看得见 in/ within sight

<5>初见,乍一看 at first sight

<6>一看见...... at the sight of...

14.comment v. 评论


comment on sth; make a comment/ comments on sth

comment n. 评论

<1>不加评论   without comment


Her husband made no comment on/ about her new hair-style, which made her a little disappointed.


1.take control of...   控制;接管


He’s reached retiring age,but he is still firmly in control.


Who can take control of these naughty children?


The children are completely out of control since their father left.

2. make up   虚构;弥补;形成,组成;化妆;讲和;和好

<1>Five doctors and ten nurses make up the medical team.

The medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses.


Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.

Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.

<3>Check in 在旅馆登记住宿;住宿;报到;签到;接收并登记。

Check out 结账离开,核实无误。



<1>Below are two texts about Peru. Look through them quickly.


<2>Especially amazing is the incas’ dry stone method of building.



<1>这些书中有我最喜爱的故事书。Among the books is my favourite book.


<1>It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.




It is I who am going to Qingdao tomorrow.



<1>Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new high way connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca.




Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the cafe,



Clever as you are,I think you will fail if you don’t work hard,


As is reported in today’s newspaper, the famous musician is to give a concert in our city.

3. Can hardly/can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事


I have heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait to go.


The graduates can’t wait to leave school to work.

Unit 3

***Unit 3 Sports and fitness***


honour n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸

(1)in honour of 为了表示对……的敬意;为了纪念……

(2)have the honour to do/of doing... 有幸做……

=be/feel honoured to do/of doing... 为做……而感到荣幸

(3)It's an honour to do...   很荣幸做……

honour v. 尊敬(某人); 给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)

(4)honour sb.with sth.for...   因……授予某人某物

(5)be honoured as...   被尊称为……

→honourable adj.光荣的;高尚的

determine vt.决定;判决

(1)determine to do...   决定做……(表示动作)

(2)be determined to do...   决心做……(表示状态)

(3)determine on/upon   决定

→determination n.决心;决定

with determination 坚决地;果断地

→determined adj.   坚决的;坚定的;果断的

injure vt. (使)受伤;损害

→injured adj.受伤的;有伤的

(1)the injured 伤员

→injury n.伤害;损伤

(2)do sb.an injury/do an injury to sb.   害某人

strength n.力量;体力

(1)build up one's strength/body 强身健体

(2)strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点

(3)The strength of...is that...   ……的优点是……

→strong adj. 强壮的

→strengthen vt. 加强;巩固

fail v.失败;不及格

(1)fail to do...   未能做……

(2)fail in doing sth ...   在(做)……失败

→failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物)

(3)end in failure 以失败告终



(2)failure后可接不定式作定语,但不接of doing...。

compete vi. 竞争;对抗

(1)compete in   参加……比赛;在……方面竞争

(2)compete for 为……而竞争

(3)compete with/against...for... 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争

→competition n.竞争

→competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争性的

→competitor n.竞争者

pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮

pretend to be+n./adj. 假装是……

pretend to do sth.   假装做某事

pretend to be doing sth.   假装正在做某事

pretend to have done sth.   假装已经做了某事

pretend that ...   假装……


和pretend有类似用法(后接to do/to be doing/to have done)的动词还有happen,appear,seem,claim等及be said to结构。

diet n.规定饮食;日常饮食   vi.节食

a balanced diet   平衡膳食

be on a diet 节食

go on a diet 节食

stress n.压力;紧张;重音

(1)under stress 在压力之下

(2)put sb.under great stress 使某人感到沉重的压力

(3)lay/place/put stress on sth.   强调某事物

stress vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安

stress the importance of ... 强调……的重要性

→stressful adj.紧张的;有压力的

positive adj.积极的;正面的;乐观的;肯定的

(1)on the positive side  从好的方面看

(2)be positive about sth.   对某事有信心/乐观

(3)be positive that... 对……有把握;信心


come along 跟随;到达;进步;赶快;出现

come up with 想出;提出

come about 发生

come across 穿过(路、桥);(偶然)遇见;发现

come out 出来;(书等)出版;发行

come to 苏醒;总计;达到;谈到

When it comes to...   当谈到……

work out 锻炼;计算出;解决;理解;(有预期的)结果

work on 从事……;继续……

work at 从事,致力于……

work as 充当,作为……而工作

at/out of work 在工作/失业

make a difference 对……有作用/有影响

make use of 利用;使用

make it 获得成功;准时到达

manage it 能做到

set an example (for sb) (为...某人)树立榜样

follow sb.'s example 学某人的样子

be an example to sb. 成为某人的榜样

for example 例如

fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃

fall down    摔倒

fall off 从……掉下来

fall behind 落后,跟不上

fall over 跌倒,绊倒

fall into 养成,染上

fall out (头发等)脱落;吵架


A banana skin fell off the table.The little girl didn't see it.She stepped on it and fell over.What's worse,her bowl broke into pieces.Quickly,her mother ran in and picked her up.If she falls into the habit of depending on parents in everything,the girl will fall behind others in time.


lose heart 丧失信心;泄气

(1)put one's heart into ... 一心扑在……上

learn sth. by heart 背诵;记牢……

strike ... into one's heart   使……刻骨铭心

from the bottom of sb.'s heart   从某人的心底

(2)heart and soul 全心全意地

give up 放弃;投降

give away   分发;赠送;泄露

give back 归还

give off 发出(光、热、声音、气味等)

give out 分发;用完;耗尽

give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交

make sense 有道理;合乎情理;表达清楚

(1)make sense of 理解;明白

make no sense   没意义

(2)in a sense   在某一方面;就某种意义来说

in no sense   决不(用在句首时,句子用部分倒装)

common sense   常识

There is no/little sense in doing sth.   做某事没道理

make a difference 有作用或影响;有差别,造成影响,起作用

make some difference to 对……有些关系

make no/little difference 没影响,不重要

tell the difference between...and...   辨别出……

rather than 而不是

(1)rather than 而不是

rather sb.than sb. 不想做别人要去做的事

(2)or rather 更确切地说;更准确地讲

(3)would rather do sth.than do sth.would do sth.rather than do sth.prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿……而不愿……;与其……倒不如……

(4)would rather +从句用过去时,表示对现在或将来的虚拟用过去完成时,表示对过去的虚拟

cut out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下

cut in 插嘴,打断讲话

cut across 抄近路穿过;横越

cut down 砍倒;缩减

cut off 切断;割掉;截断(退路等)

cut up 切碎;伤心

now and then 有时,偶尔

now and then   有时;偶尔

sometimes 有时

at times 有时;偶尔

occasionally 偶尔

once in a while 偶尔,有时

compare...with/to ……与……比较


It's up to sb. to do sth.做某事由某人来决定。

up to 多达……

be up to (doing)sth.      正在(做)……;从事于……;胜任做……

up to now      到目前为止





(2)while “当……时候”,一般只可与延续性动词连用,从句动作与主句动作同时发生

(3)as “一边……一边……”常与延续性动词连用,从句动作与主句动作同时或几乎同时发生

①When you apply for a job,you must present your credentials.


②Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.


③As he grew older,he became less active.

随着他逐渐长大 ,他变得不那么活泼了。



When/While/As I was walking down the street,I came across an old friend.


even if/though引导让步状语从句,语气较强,此外,if,though,although也可引导让步状语从句;意为“虽然,尽管”。

①If life there was full of hardships,it was also full of joy and excitement.

虽然那儿的生活非常艰苦,但是也非常愉快和令人兴奋的。(这里的if相当于even if)

②Air exists everywhere although we can't see it.


③Even though/if I understand what you say,I can't agree with you.



once在本句中引导时间状语从句,意为“一旦……就……”。如果once引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词含有be动词的某种形式时,或从句为“it be...”形式时,从句中的“主语+be”或“it be”可以省略。

①Once trust is lost,what is left?


②Once the song is heard,it will never be forgotten.


③Once seen,the picture is difficult to forget.


Unit 4

***Unit 4 Natural Disasters***


1. rescue vt.营救;救援

(1)把某人从......营救出来: rescue sb from

rescue n.营救;救援

(2)进行营救: attempt a rescue

(3)设法(实行)营救: make/perform a rescue


He promised to come to my rescue if I was in danger.

2. damage vt.损坏、迫害。n.损失;损害

(1)弥补损失: recover a damage

(2)赔偿损失: pay for damage

(3)遭受损失、蒙受损害: suffer damage


The flood did/caused great damage to the crop.

3.survive vi.生存;存活 vt幸存、艰难度过

(1)靠......活下来;靠......生存: survive on

(2)比某人多活......survive sb by


Nobody survived the disaster.

survivor n. 幸存者;生还者

4. destroy vt. 摧毁;毁灭


Your words will destroy your child’s confidence.


We can’t continue to destroy the environment.

destruction n. 破坏;毁灭

5.affect vt影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动;使感染(疾病)


We were affected by his sincerity.


Nowadays technology has greatly affected our life.

6.shelter n避难所;居所;庇护 vt 保护 掩蔽 躲避


The big tree sheltered us from the heavy rain.


The plan is to provide shelter for the homeless.

effect n. 影响;效果;结果

7.ruin vt. 破坏;毁坏

(1)毁掉某人的希望、健康:ruin ones hope/health

ruin n. 破坏;毁坏

(2)坍塌 fall into ruin


After the disaster, everything was in ruins.

8.shock n. 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克

(1)文化冲击: culture shock

(2)震惊;吃惊: in shock

shock vt. 使震惊

(3)对......感到吃惊: be shocked at/by...


We were shocked to learn that our favorite writer had passed away

9. trap vt. 使落入险境;是陷入圈套 n 陷阱;险境

(1)用......捕捉;使困于......: trap sb/sth in sth

(2)诱骗某人使之采取某种行动: trap sb into sth/doing


After earthquake, many people were trapped under the ruins.

10. bury vt. 埋葬;安葬

(1)专心于(某事):陷入,沉浸于;藏于:bury … in...

(2)埋头于;专心于 bury oneself in ...


She buried her face in her hands and cried bitterly,

11.effort n. 努力;艰难的尝试;尽力

(1)努力做某事: make an effort/efforts to do sth

(2)不遗余力: spare no effort

(3)值得努力: be worth the effort

(4)毫不费力地: without effort


He spoke in English with effort.

12. suffer vt.遭受;蒙受(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦

(1)遭受: suffer from

(2)遭受疼痛: suffer pain


Their company suffered loss in business last year,

suffering n. 痛苦;苦难

13. supply n.供应量;补给;补给品。

(1)食物供应 food supply

(2)供应不足 in short supply

supply vt.供应;供给

(3)提供给某人某物 supply sb with sth

(4)把某物提供给某人 supply sth to sb


The shop supplies all kinds of goods to customers.

14. power n. 电力供应;能量;力量;控制力

(1)某人有权、能力 within one’s power

(2)掌权 come into power

(3)有权力做某事 have the power to do sth

(4)停电 power failure


Nobody here has the power to sign the paper.

powerful adj. 强有力的;强大的

15.calm n.镇静的;沉着的

(1)保持冷静: stay/keep/remain calm


She can keep calm in the face of danger.

calm   vt. 使平静;使镇静

(2)使某人镇静下来: calm sb down

calmly adv. 平静地;冷静地

16.aid n. 援助;帮助;救援物资

(1)(对某人)实施急救 do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid

(2)帮某人的忙 come to the aid of sb

(3)为了帮助:in aid of


A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas.

(4)在......的帮助下: with the aid of

aid v.帮助;援助

(5)帮助某人做某事: aid sb in doing sth/aid sb to do sth

(6)在某方面帮助某人:aid sb with sth

17.sweep vt/vi. 打扫;清扫( swept   swept)

(1)消灭;彻底清除: sweep away

(2)打扫干净,清扫干净: sweep out

(3)席卷;轻易通过:   sweep through

(4)打扫;清扫: sweep up


She was left to sweep up after the party.

18.wave n   海浪;波浪

(1)一波......,一阵...... a wave of

wave   vt/vi 挥手;招手

(2)向......挥手: wave at/to ...


She waved at me from across the street.

(3)挥手告别: wave off

wavy adj 波浪形的

19. strike vt/vi. 侵袭;突击;击打

(1)打一个男孩: strike a boy

(2)钟敲了十二下 : strike twelve

(3)打击敌人: strike the enemy

(4)某人忽然想起: It strikes sb that…


It struck me that there was no one at home.

strike   n. 罢工;罢课;袭击

开始罢工、罢课 : be/go on strike

20. deliver. vt递送,传达,发表

(1)发货: deliver the goods

(2)作报告: deliver a speech

(3)接生: deliver a baby

(4)送某人到家: deliver to sb’s house


David would get up early in the morning to deliver newspaper.

delivery n 递送,分娩

21. summary n. 总结;概括;概要

(1)…的摘要、总结: summary of

(2)作总结: make a summary

(3)总的来说,总之: in summary


In summary, the campaign has been a great success.

summarize vt 概述;总结

22. effect n. 影响;结果;效果

(1)实行: bring/ put sth into effect

(2)产生效果: bring about effect

(3)生效;开始实施: come into effect/ take effect

(4)实际上;事实上: in effect

(5)从......起开始生效: with effect from


This in turn has effect on the food supply for wolves.

effective adj   有效的;生效的

23. length n. 长;长度

(1)最后,最终: at length

(2)长度: in length.

(3)十分详尽地: at great/full length.


The length of the table is twice its breadth.

lengthen v(使)变长


1.as if/though 似乎,好像;仿佛



He likes to talk big as if he was an important person.


It sounds as if/though there is a knock at the door.

2.in the open air 露天;在户外

(1)乘飞机: by air

(2)在传播中: in the air

(3)正在广播: on the air

(4)停止广播: off the air


He is now taking a walk in the open air.

3.on hand 现有(尤指帮助)

(1)交上;提交: hand in

(2)分发: hand out

(3)交出;移交: hand over

(4)交付,传递: hand on

(5)在手边;可能很快发生的: at hand

(6)用手工: by hand

(7)握手: shake hands

(8)手拉手;密切关联: hand in hand


Women today are very busy. On the one hand, they have to take care of their families; on the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.


1. 主语+be+adj+(+for sb ) +to do



Water, food, and electricity were hard to get.



The volcanic eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one.

2. be doing……when…正在做......,这时......



I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.


I was walking home when my teacher kindly gave me a lift.



She was about to raise her hand when class was over.

Unit 5

***Unit 5 Languages around the world***



1.refer to   指的是;描述;提到;查阅

2.ups and downs   浮沉;兴衰;荣辱

3.date back (to...)   追溯到

4.the attitude to/towards   ……对……的态度

5.pay attention   to   注意

6.be of great importance   很重要

7.be known for   因……而出名

8.lead to   导致

9.be connected with   和……有联系

10.play a...role in   起着……的作用

11.point of view 观点;看法

12.relate to   与……相关;涉及;谈到

13.give up   放弃

14.feel like   感觉像

15.used to   过去常常

16.get/be used to   适应,习惯于

17.compare...with...   与……相比较

18.depend on   依靠, 取决于

19.be senior to   比……年长

20.aside from   除了……之外


native adj.本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人

(1)one's native country/land/language 某人的祖国/故乡/母语

be native to   原产于……

(2)be a native of...   ……的人;生长于……的动物或植物

attitude n.态度;看法;姿态

attitude to/towards... 对……的态度/看法

have/take a(n)...attitude to/towards... 对……持/采取……的态度

despite prep.即使;尽管,为介词,后常跟名词或v.­ing

even if 即使;尽管, 为连词, 后跟从句

refer to提及;查阅;参考;把…称作…;指的是

→reference n. 提及;参考;查阅

refer to...as...  把……称作……

based adj.以(某事)为基础的→basic adj.基本的;基础的

(1)base...on/upon  把……建立在……的基础上

be based on/upon   以……为基础/依据

(2)at the base of   以……为基点;在……的底部

date back(to...)追溯(到……)

(1)date back to=date from  追溯到……

(2)out of date   过时的, 陈旧的

variety n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→various adj.   不同的;各种各样的→vary vt.&vi.   改变;变化

(1)a variety of=varieties of 种类繁多的

(2)for various reasons   由于种种原因

(3)vary from...to...   从…到…不等;在…到…之间变动

major adj.主要的;重要的;大的 n.主修课程;主修学生 vi.主修;专门研究

→majority n.   大多数;→minority 少数....

(1)major in      主修……;以……为专业

(2)the majority of   大多数……

be in the majority   构成大部分/大多数

means n.方式;方法;途径

(1)a means of communication一种通讯/交流工具

(2)by this means   通过这种方法

by means of   用……办法;借助……

by no means 决不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)

(3)mean vi.   意味着

mean doing sth.   意味着做某事

mean to do sth 打算做某事

regard   n.尊重;关注 vt.把……视为;看待

(1)regard/consider...as... 认为……是……

(2)have high/no regard for...   高度关注/无视……

with/in regard to sth.   关于某事

appreciate   vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会vi.增值→appreciation n.欣赏;感激

(1)appreciate+n./pron./v.­ing   重视/感激……

I would appreciate it if...   假如……,我将不胜感激

(2)express one's appreciation/thanks to sb.for sth. 表达对某人的感激之情

struggle   n.&vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗

struggle for      努力争取……;为……而斗争

struggle against/with   与……作斗争

struggle to do sth.   努力做某事

struggle to one's feet   挣扎着站起来

point of view 观点;看法

from one's point of viewin one's view/opinionas far as sb.is concerned 依某人来看

equal   n.同等的人;相等物 adj.相同的;equally adv. →同样地;平等地

(1)be equal to       等于

be equal to sth./doing sth.   胜任(做)某事

(2)A equals B in sth.   A在某方面比得上B

demand   n.要求;需求vt.强烈要求;需要vi.查问

→demanding adj.   高要求的;要求严格的

(1)be in (great) demand   (迫切)需求

meet/satisfy one's demands   满足某人的需求

(2)demand to do sth.   要求做某事

demand that...(should) do...   要求……

description   n.描写(文字);形容→describe vt. 描述;形容;描绘

(1)be beyond description 无法形容,难以描述

(2)give a description of...   介绍……

relate   vt.联系;讲述→relation n.关系

(1)relate sth.to sb.   向某人讲述

relate to   与……相关;涉及;谈到

(2)be related to   与……有关

(3)in relation to   关于


This/That is/was a time when...这是一个……的时期

There was a time when...曾有一段时间……

This was a time when I hated to go to school.


There was a time when I didn't get along well with my classmates.


no matter+特殊疑问词(如who/what/where/when等)”均可引导让步状语从句,


No matter how difficult the problem is,we should not lose heart.

= However difficult the problem is,we should not lose heart.无论多么困难的问题,我们不应该丧失信心。

as 引导状语从句, 意为“随着”

As China plays a greater role in global affairs,an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language.随着中国在全球事务中扮演着更为重要的角色,越来越多的国际学生开始通过汉语这一奇妙的语言了解和欣赏中国的文化和历史。

the+比较级, the+比较级越……, 就越……

the more...,the less...     越……, 越不……

the more...the better...   ……越多,……就越好

The more he explained,the more confused I   became.


As is known to us,the lazier a person is,the more things he needs to do tomorrow.

众所周知,一个人越懒, 他明天要做的事情越多。

The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make.


have trouble with sth./in doing sth. 做……上有困难

have difficulty with sth.   在……上有困难

have difficulty(in)doing sth.   做某事有困难

I hope we won't have any trouble with each other.希望我们彼此之间不会有什么不愉快的事情。

I had no difficulty in making myself understood.我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。

动词+疑问词+to do 结构

I can't keep all the new vocabulary straight in my head,and I certainly can't remember how to use them all properly.

