


01 New Year's Eve 除夕

02 Laba Festival 腊八

03 Dongzhi Festival 冬至

04 Spring Festival 春节

05 Lantern Festival 元宵节

06 Qingming Festival 清明节

07 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

08 Double Seventh Festival七夕节

09 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

10 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

11 Hurry Up,Plants 拔苗助长

12 The Early Bird Catches the Worm 笨鸟先飞

13 Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威

14 Painting the Dragons to Life 画龙点睛

15 The Fake Musician 滥竽充数

16 Waiting for Rabbits 守株待兔

17 Discovering An Elephant盲人摸象

18 Better Late Than Never 亡羊补牢,未为迟也

19 A Masterpiece in the Making洛阳纸贵

20 Meng Jiao's Happy Ride 走马看花

21 Peach Paradise 世外桃源

22 Music to a Cow's Ears对牛弹琴

23 The Spear and the Shield 自相矛盾

24 Good or bad?塞翁失马焉知非福

25 Frog's Tasty World 井底之蛙

26 Eight Immortals Cross the Sea八仙过海

27 Where's my sword刻舟求剑

28 Idioms-Sky is Falling杞人忧天

29 The Yellow Rock Old Man 孺子可教

30 Idiom-Quick Success马到成功

31 Measure Me for New Shoes郑人买履

32 Master Archer百发百中

33 Mengzi's Good Advice五十步笑百步

34 Watch Your Back 螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后

35 Fun, Friends and a Future for Mengzi孟母三迁

36 Clear as a Bell 掩耳盗铃

37 The Fisherman's Quiet Victory 鹬蚌相争渔翁得利

38 Don't Look Here 此地无银三百两

39 Dragons Everywhere 叶公好龙

40 A Quick Glance Can Be Misleading 走马观花

41 Missing the Bigger Picture 一叶障目

42 Racing Horses 田忌赛马

43 The Forest of Plum Trees 望梅止渴

44 No Difference朝三暮四

45 The Mysterious Animal黔驴技穷

46 The Swan Feather 千里送鹅毛

47 The Tale of Two Pearls鱼目混珠

48 The Unlikely Friendship 负荆请罪

49 Wen Tong's Bamboo 胸有成竹

50   The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘

51 Family Matters Part 1宝莲灯1

52 Family Matters Part 2宝莲灯2

53 Family Matters Part 3宝莲灯3

54 Family Matters Part 4宝莲灯4

55 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part 1聚宝盆1

56 Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part2 聚宝盆2

57 Magic Gold and Old Ding Part3 聚宝盆3

58 Hua MuLan Part 1木兰从军1

59 Hua MuLan Part 2木兰从军2

60 Hua MuLan Part 3木兰从军3

61 Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth盘古开天

62   Nuwa People Part 1女娲造人1

63 Nuwa Makes People Part 2女娲造人 2

64 The Long Haired Girl Part 1长发姑娘1

65 The Long Haired Girl Part 2 长发姑娘2

66 The Three Monks Part 1三个和尚1

67 The Three Monks Part 2 三个和尚2

68 The Three Monks Part 3 三个和尚 3

69 Monkeys Try to Save the Moon 猴子捞月

70 Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日

71 The Jade Emperor's Zodiac Calender生肖来源

72 Jing wei Fills the Sea精卫填海

73 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 1后羿射日 1

74 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 2后羿射日 2

75 HouYi and the happily Ever After Part 3后羿射日 3

76 The Ox-man Part 1神农尝百草 1

77 The Ox-man Part 2神农尝百草 2

78 The Ox-man Part 3神农尝百草 3

79 Butterflies and Love梁山伯与祝英台 1

80 Butterflies and Love梁山伯与祝英台 2

81 Butterflies and Love梁山伯与祝英台 3

82 Nuwa Fixes the Sky女娲补天 1

83 Nuwa Fixes the Sky女娲补天 2

85 The Four Dragons四条龙

86 Rat's Wedding老鼠嫁女

87 The Grateful Pigs金猪报恩

89 The River God’s Gifts Part 2 金斧头银斧头2

90 The Tortoise and the Hare 龟兔赛跑

91 The Love of the Cloud Weaver 牛郎织女

92 The White Snake 白蛇传 1

93 The White Snake 白蛇传 2

94 The White Snake 白蛇传 3

95 The White Snake 白蛇传 4

96 Who's Braver than Tiger?谁是森林之王?

97 Yu and the Flood 大禹治水 1

98 Yu and the Flood 大禹治水 2
