

免费课: Unit1 Nice to meet you



1Scope and sequence Module1 Unit1 Nice to meet you

2Scope and sequence Module1 Unit2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old

3Scope and sequence Module1 Unit3 Language in use

4Scope and sequence Module2 Unit1 Is this your mum

5Scope and sequence Module2 Unit2 These are my parents

6Scope and sequence Module2 Unit3 Language in use

7Scope and sequence Module3 Unit1 There are thirty students in my class

8Scope and sequence Module3 Unit2 The library is on the left of the playground

9Scope and sequence Module3 Unit3 Language in use

10Scope and sequence Module4 Unit1 We've got lots of apples

11Scope and sequence Module4 Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy

12Scope and sequence Module4 Unit3 Language in use

13Scope and sequence Module5 Unit1 I love history

14Scope and sequence Module5 Unit2We start work at nine o'clock

15Scope and sequence Module5 Unit3 Language in use

16Scope and sequence Module6 Unit1 Does it eat meat

17Scope and sequence Module6 Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia

18Scope and sequence Module6 Unit3 Language in use

19Scope and sequence Module7 Unit1 computers

20Scope and sequence Module7 Unit2 When do you use a computer

21Scope and sequence Module7 Unit3 Language in use

22Scope and sequence Module8 Unit1 I always like birthday parties

23Scope and sequence Module8 Unit2 She often goes to concerts

24Scope and sequence Module8 Unit3 Language in use

25Scope and sequence Module9 Unit1 We're enjoying the school trip a lot

26Scope and sequence Module9 Unit2 They're waiting for buses or trains

27Scope and sequence Module9 Unit3 Language in use

28Scope and sequence Module10 Unit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival

29Scope and sequence Module10 Unit2 My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping aw

30Scope and sequence Module10 Unit3 Language in use

31Starter Module1 Unit1 Good morning,Miss Zhou

32Starter Module1 Unit2 Good morning,I’m Chen Zhong

33Starter Module1 Unit3 This is my friend

34Starter Module2 Unit1 Open your book

35Starter Module2 Unit2 What’s your number

36Starter Module2 Unit3 I’m twelve

37Starter Module3 Unit1 What’s this in English

38Starter Module3 Unit2 Can you help me,please

39Starter Module3 Unit3 What colour is it

40Starter Module4 Unit1 What day is it today

41Starter Module4 Unit2 What’s the weather like

42Starter Module4 Unit3 What’s your favourite sport

免费课:Unit1 Whose bag is this



1Module1 Unit1 Whose bag is this

2Module1 Unit2 Are they yours

3Module1 Unit3 Language in use

4Module2 Unit1 I can paly the piano

5Module2 Unit2 I can run really fast

6Module2 Unit3 Language in use

7Module3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend

8Module3 Unit2 We're going to cheer the players

9Module3 Unit3 Language in use(第二课时)

10Module3 Unit3 Language in use(第一课时)

11Module4 Unit1 Everyone will study at home(第二课时)

12Module4 Unit1 Everyone will study at home(第一课时)

13Module4 Unit2 Evry family will have a small plane

14Module4 Unit3 Language in use

15Module5 Unit1 What can I do for you(第二课时)

16Module5 Unit1 What can I do for you(第一课时)

17Module5 Unit2 You can buy everything on the Internet

18Module5 Unit3 Language in use

19Module6 Unit1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium(第二课时)

20Module6 Unit1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium(第一课时)

21Module6 Unit2 The London Eye is on your right

22Module6 Unit3 Language in use

23Module7 Unit1 I was born in a small village(第二课时)

24Module7 Unit1 I was born in a small village(第一课时)

25Module7 Unit2 I was born in Quincy

26Module7 Unit3 Language in use

27Module8 Unit1 Once upon a time …… (第二课时)

28Module8 Unit1 Once upon a time …… (第一课时)

29Module8 Unit2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.

30Module8 Unit3 Language in use

31Module9 Unit1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.(第二课时)

32Module9 Unit1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.(第一课时)

33Module9 Unit2 He decided to be an actor

34Module9 Unit3 Language in use

35Module10 Unit1 What did you do(第二课时)

36Module10 Unit1 What did you do(第一课时)

37Module10 Unit2 This morning we took a walk

38Module10 Unit3 Language in use

39Module11 Unit1 They touch noses(第二课时)

40Module11 Unit1 They touch noses(第一课时)

41Module11 Unit2 Body Language

42Module11 Unit3 Language in use

43Module12 Unit1 It's so beautiful(第二课时)

44Module12 Unit1 It's so beautiful(第一课时)

45Module12 Unit2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music

46Module12 Unit3 Language in use
