

免费课:Lesson1 Li Ming's Big Family



1Lesson 1 I Am Excited

2Lesson 2 What Are You Doing

3Lesson 3 Who Is Singing

4Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry

5Lesson 5 What Are They Doing

6Lesson 6 Danny Is lost

7Lesson 7 Arriving in Beijing

8Lesson 8 Tian'anmen Square

9Lesson 9 The Palace Museum

10Lesson 10 The Great Wall

11Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing

12Lesson 12 A Visit to the Great Wall

13Lesson 13 Let's Buy Postcards

14Lesson 14 Jenny Writes a Postcard

15Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards

16Lesson 16 An Email Is Fast

17Lesson 17 Danny's Email

18Lesson 18 Little Zeke Sends an Email

19Lesson 19 Li Ming Comes Home

20Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home

21Lesson 21 Look at the Photos

22Lesson 22 Gifts for Everyone

23Lesson 23 An Email from Li Ming

24Lesson 24 A gift for little Zeke

25Unit 1 Again,Please

26Unit 2 Again,Please

27Unit 3 Again,Please

28Unit 4 Again,Please
